Know Contents: Understanding Area Sampling Frameworks - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Know Contents: Understanding Area Sampling Frameworks

Know Contents: Understanding Area Sampling Frameworks

August 29, 2024 | Other Activities

The Area Sample Frame Survey (ASF) is an area-based survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to obtain data on the area of ​​rice and corn food crops harvested. The ASF survey uses a sampling method that uses land area as a sample unit. The ASF survey is conducted by direct observation of segment samples and aims to estimate the area by extrapolating from the sample to the population in a relatively short period. The ASF survey can be conducted by observing the development of the rice and corn plant phases every month at the location that is the segment sample. The ASF survey is expected to make the harvest area data more accurate and timely. Through the ASF observation phase information, the estimated harvest for the next few months can also be known. This information is very useful for the government in determining national food program policies
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