Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency.

Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency.

August 19, 2024 | Other Activities

By praying, we seem to surrender all our worries and hopes to God. This provides inner calm and mental readiness to face existing challenges. 2. Gain Ease in Work: Prayer is a powerful weapon to open the way of sustenance. By asking for convenience, we hope that all work matters can run smoothly without significant obstacles. 3. Get Blessings in Fortune: Not only are we successful at work, but we also want halal and blessed sustenance. Prayer is a means to ask that all the results of our work be blessed by God. 4. Increase Productivity: When the heart is calm and the mind is focused, we will be more productive at work. Prayer helps us to maintain concentration and complete tasks better. 5. Cultivate a sense of gratitude: By praying, we always remember that all the blessings we have are gifts from God. This feeling of gratitude will encourage us to work harder and be useful for others. 6. Strengthen Relationship with God: Prayer is our form of communication with God. By praying regularly, our relationship with Him will become stronger. Hopefully everything we wish for and pray for will be granted, amen YRA
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