Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency

Prayer together before working at BPS Sumedang Regency

July 31, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Sumedang Regency Holds Joint Prayer, Building a Closer Brotherhood Sumedang – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumedang Regency recently held a solemn joint prayer event. This activity was attended by all BPS Sumedang employees and aimed to strengthen ties and ask for blessings in carrying out their duties. The event, which was led directly by Mr. Isep Okawidyana, took place solemnly and in a friendly manner. Don't forget that today's prayers are also aimed at Pa Tomi who had an accident this morning. Hopefully he will recover quickly and be as healthy as ever.
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