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Supervisi Pengawasan Pencacahan Sakernas Agustus 2024
August 14, 2024 | BPS Activities
In August 2024, in Margaluyu Village, Tanjungmedar District, supervision and monitoring activities were carried out on the implementation of the Sakernas census. This activity involves several important parties, namely:
Mrs. Ima is the supervisor who is overall responsible for the implementation of supervision activities in the field.
Acep Rustandi is the supervisor in charge of monitoring and ensuring that the implementation of the Sakernas census runs in accordance with established procedures.
Utang Hikmat Mubarok as a Sakernas enumerator who directly collected data in the field.
The presence of these three individuals shows a high commitment to ensuring the quality of data produced from the Sakernas census. Through this supervision and control activity, it is hoped that the accuracy and completeness of the data collected can be guaranteed, so that it can become valid material for future development planning.