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August 2024 Sakernas Evaluation Briefing
August 14, 2024 | Other Activities
SAKERNAS is a survey conducted periodically by BPS to collect data regarding employment conditions in Indonesia. This survey aims to provide an accurate picture of:
Number of employed people: Includes the number of people who have jobs, both formal and informal.
Unemployment rate: Measures the percentage of the working age population who are actively looking for work but have not yet found a job.
Labor characteristics: Includes education level, type of work, employment sector, and wages received.
SAKERNAS objectives:
Fulfilling data needs: Providing data needed by the government, research institutions and other parties to develop policies and programs in the field of employment.
Monitoring employment developments: Carrying out regular monitoring of changes occurring in the labor market.
Comparing employment conditions between regions: Allows comparison of employment conditions between provinces, districts/cities, and even between villages.