Balance Sheet Team Briefing 29 07 24 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Balance Sheet Team Briefing 29 07 24

Balance Sheet Team Briefing 29 07 24

July 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Main Objectives of the Briefing: • Performance Evaluation: Review the team's performance in a certain period, both in terms of data collection, data processing, and presentation of results. • Activity Planning: Discuss and plan activities that will be carried out in the future, such as collecting data for new publications, developing data collection methods, or improving reporting systems. • Inter-Team Coordination: Agree on the division of tasks and responsibilities between team members, and ensure good coordination in carrying out tasks. • Solutions to Problems: Analyze the obstacles or problems faced during the previous period and look for appropriate solutions. Topics Covered: • Balance Sheet Data: Discussion of the quality and accuracy of the balance sheet data that has been collected, as well as identification of potential errors or bias. • Presentation of Results: Evaluation of the way the results of the analysis are presented, either in the form of a report, publication or presentation. • Coordination with Other Agencies: Discussion regarding cooperation with related agencies, such as the Provincial Central Statistics Agency (BPS) or other government agencies.
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