Briefing of the Balance Team and Social Team on Poverty 230724 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Briefing of the Balance Team and Social Team on Poverty 230724

Briefing of the Balance Team and Social Team on Poverty 230724

July 23, 2024 | Other Activities

## Briefing of the Balance Team and Social Team Discussing Poverty **Topic:** Poverty **Participant:** * Balance Sheet Team * Social Team **Objective:** * Understand the conditions and root causes of poverty in certain areas. * Formulate effective strategies and programs for poverty alleviation. * Improve coordination and collaboration between teams in poverty alleviation efforts. **Agenda:** 1. **Preamble:** * Greetings from the Head of the Balance Sheet and Social Team. * Brief explanation of the objectives and agenda of the briefing. 2. **Poverty Data Presentation and Analysis:** * The Neraca Team presents the latest data and analysis on poverty levels in certain regions. * The Social Team presented the results of their research and observations regarding the conditions and roots of poverty problems in the region. 3. **Discussion:** * Briefing participants discuss the data and analysis that has been presented. * Jointly formulate effective strategies and programs to eradicate poverty in the region. 4. **Closing:** * Joint agreement and commitment to implement the strategies and programs that have been formulated. * Scheduling the next meeting for monitoring and evaluation. **Notes:** * It is hoped that this briefing will be a strong foundation for the Balance Sheet team and the Social team in formulating appropriate and effective programs and strategies for alleviating poverty in the region. * It is also hoped that this briefing can improve coordination and collaboration between teams in achieving common goals. **Additional Material:** * Latest data and statistics on poverty in certain regions. * The results of research and observations by the Social team regarding the conditions and roots of poverty problems in the region. * Examples of effective strategies and programs for poverty alleviation. * References and sources of information related to poverty. **Participants are expected to:** * Have read and understood the briefing material. * Arrive on time and attend briefings attentively. * Actively participate in discussions and provide constructive input. **With this briefing, it is hoped that the Balance Sheet team and Social team can work together more effectively in efforts to eradicate poverty in the region.**
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