Technical Guidance on Analytical Data at the Sumedang Diskominfosanditik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Technical Guidance on Analytical Data at the Sumedang Diskominfosanditik

Technical Guidance on Analytical Data at the Sumedang Diskominfosanditik

July 10, 2024 | Other Activities

The Sumedang Regency Communication, Informatics, Coding and Statistics Service (Diskominfosanditik) is holding Data Analytics Technical Guidance (Bimtek) to increase employee capacity and knowledge in processing and analyzing data. This technical guidance was attended by Diskominfosanditik employees and operators from various UPTDs. Head of Sumedang Diskominfosanditik, Bambang Rianto, in Everything said that data is an important asset for organizations in this digital era. Data can be used for various purposes, such as decision making, planning strategies, and program evaluation. Therefore, it is important for Diskominfosanditik employees to have the ability to process and analyze data. "This technical guidance is expected to increase the capacity and knowledge of Diskominfosanditik employees in processing and analyzing data," said Bambang Rianto. "In this way, Diskominfosanditik employees and operators can make optimal use of data to support the achievement of organizational goals." This Data Analytics Bimtek contains material on data presentation and analysis, data analysis tools, data analysis techniques, data visualization, and the application of data analytics in organizations. The resource person for this Technical Guidance was Hendy Hario Sasongko from BPS Sumedang Regency as the resource person. The Data Analytics Bimtek participants showed high enthusiasm in following the material presented. They are also actively involved in discussions and practices. "This Bimtek is very useful for me," said a representative of one of the UPTD participants in the Bimtek. “I gained a lot of new knowledge about data analytics and how to use it to produce informative reports and data visualizations.” Another participant], Budi, said that the Bimtek motivated him to continue learning and developing his abilities in data analytics. "I want to become a data analytics expert so that I can help organizations utilize data optimally," said Budi. Diskominfosanditik Sumedang is committed to continuing to increase the capacity and knowledge of its employees and data operators in the field of data analytics. This Data Analytics Bimtek is a good first step to achieve this goal. HOPEFULLY IT IS BLESSED
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