Technical Guidance for Coordinators and Verifiers for the Use of the Sidt Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Technical Guidance for Coordinators and Verifiers for the Use of the Sidt Application

Technical Guidance for Coordinators and Verifiers for the Use of the Sidt Application

August 6, 2024 | Other Activities

This activity is a follow-up to the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Regulation Number 7 of 2023 which regulates the implementation of one data on cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through a single database. This technical guidance aims to increase the capacity of data collectors to input and manage MSME data efficiently and accurately. . This data collection process will involve enumerators and coordinators who have been specially trained to operate the SIDT application. The SIDT application used in this data collection is network-based and can be accessed via the web and Android devices. The features of this application are designed to make it easier for enumerators and coordinators to input data in real-time and ensure the integrity and accuracy of the resulting data. This approach is expected to speed up the data collection process and produce a comprehensive and integrated MSME database. Apart from that, as a form of appreciation and motivation for data collectors, the government provides incentives based on data collection work achievements. This incentive is given by standardizing the Regency Minimum Wage (UMK) and is adjusted to the percentage of work achievements of each enumerator and coordinator. This step is expected to improve the performance and morale of data collectors in completing the targets that have been set. With the existence of Bimtek so far, "It is hoped that data collection on MSMEs in Sumedang Regency as a whole can run more effectively and efficiently." The resulting single database will later become an important reference for the government in formulating policies and programs for empowering MSMEs in the future
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