SIRUP Consolidation July 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

SIRUP Consolidation July 2024

SIRUP Consolidation July 2024

July 9, 2024 | Other Activities

SiRUP, which stands for Procurement General Plan Information System, is an electronic application launched by the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). In Sumedang Regency, SiRUP has been implemented since 2022 to increase transparency and accountability in the procurement process of goods and services (PBJ). SiRUP functions as a public platform that provides detailed information related to PBJ's plan. Access to this information can be done by various parties, included: • Regional Apparatus: Simplify the process of preparing and announcing PBJ plans. • Goods/Services Provider: Obtain information on business opportunities and participate in the tender process electronically. • Community: Monitoring and supervising the implementation of PBJ. Key benefits of implementing SiRUP include: • Increased Transparency: All information related to PBJ plans, ranging from the type of work, budget ceiling, to the implementation stage, can be easily accessed by the public through SiRUP This minimizes the potential for corruption and collusion practices in PBJ. • Increased Accountability: Regional Apparatus can account for the implementation of PBJ more easily by referring to the information contained in the SiRUP. • Increased Efficiency: The PBJ process becomes more efficient with the use of the SiRUP electronic platform, thereby saving time and costs. • Improving the Quality of PBJ: With the disclosure of information and active participation from various parties, it is hoped that The quality of PBJ in Sumedang Regency can continue to be improved. The implementation of SiRUP in Sumedang Regency is a strategic step to realize transparent, accountable, and efficient PBJ governance. This is in line with the commitment of the local government in creating a conducive investment climate and encouraging economic growth in its region.
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