Consolidation of GRDP and PMTB Data in DPMPTSP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Consolidation of GRDP and PMTB Data in DPMPTSP

Consolidation of GRDP and PMTB Data in DPMPTSP

July 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Sumedang, 24 July 2024 - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumedang Regency consolidated data on Regional Original Income (PAD), Mineral and Coal Tax (PMTB) and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) with the One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) Sumedang Regency. This activity was carried out today, at the Sumedang Regency DPMPTSP office. The purpose of this data consolidation is to harmonize PMTB and GRDP data held by BPS and DPMPTSP. This is important to ensure that the data used by the two agencies is accurate and up-to-date. In this data consolidation activity, BPS and DPMPTSP exchange data and information related to PMTB and GRDP. It is hoped that the consolidation of PMTB and GRDP data can improve the quality of data held by BPS and DPMPTSP. This will ultimately help in making appropriate policies related to PAD and GRDP in Sumedang Regency. Benefits of Consolidating PMTB and GRDP Data Consolidating PMTB and GRDP data has several benefits, including: • Improving data quality: Accurate and up-to-date PMTB and GRDP data will help in making appropriate policies related to PAD and GRDP. • Increase transparency: This data consolidation will increase the transparency of PMTB and GRDP data to the public. • Increase accountability: This data consolidation will increase the accountability of BPS and DPMPTSP in managing PMTB and GRDP data. Conclusion Consolidating PMTB and GRDP data is an important step to improve the quality of data held by BPS and DPMPTSP. It is hoped that this will help in making appropriate policies related to PAD and GRDP in Sumedang Regency.
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