Currently the website of Badan Pusat Statistik is in process of updating statistic table data, We apologize if some of our service is disturbed, especially in the publication of tables our publication that we present.
January 16, 2024 | Other Activities
The General Subdivision of the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency is responsible for carrying out general tasks, such as staffing, finance, equipment and general management. The general sub-section also plays a role in supporting the implementation of technical tasks in the field of statistics, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating data. In order for a strategic plan that reflects efforts to improve and capabilities of BPS as a provider of quality statistical data, as well as efforts to carry out their role as the coach of the national statistical system. This strategic plan focuses on improving the quality of the BPS core business, namely: providing quality statistical data; excellent service results of statistical activities; and guidance and coordination within the framework of the National Statistics System