Supervision of the Annual VIMKA Survey Enumeration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Supervision of the Annual VIMKA Survey Enumeration

Supervision of the Annual VIMKA Survey Enumeration

August 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

Supervisor of To'at Suhada Tahyudin Enumerator Supervision of the 2024 Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK) aims to ensure that the survey runs smoothly and produces data that is relevant, accurate, coherent and can be interpreted well. IMK plays an important role considering IMK's contribution to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the distribution of Indonesia's GDP based on business fields for the first quarter of 2024, added value from the processing industry is still the largest in the Indonesian economy. However, IMK also contributes around 1.8 percent of GDP. Apart from that, IMK also plays a significant role in job creation and economic resilience. The main objective of this survey is to present data on micro and small scale business activities or companies in accordance with the first two digits of the standard classification of business fields (KBLI) at the national and provincial levels. 2024 Annual IMK Survey Activity Schedule: CAPI Listing: 1 - 26 July 2024 Sample Allocation: 21 - 31 July 2024 Sample Enumeration: 1 - 24 August 2024 The briefing event was opened by Mr. Marudut Silaban, who explained comprehensively the data collection procedures and guidelines for filling out questionnaires both using CAPI (Fasih application) and PAPI. In his speech, Mr Marudut emphasized the importance of accuracy and integrity in filling in data. The supervisor reminded officers to commit to carrying out the entire series of survey activities well. He emphasized the importance of understanding basic concepts and definitions so that data collection in the field runs smoothly, avoiding fraud, and always adhering to SOPs. It is hoped that the 2024 Annual IMK Survey will provide a significant contribution to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of micro and small industries in Indonesia, as well as supporting more appropriate and effective policy making in the future.
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