Mapping Consultation Create RT Maps Per Village with UPI KKN Bongkok Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Mapping Consultation Create RT Maps Per Village with UPI KKN Bongkok Village

Mapping Consultation Create RT Maps Per Village with UPI KKN Bongkok Village

August 9, 2024 | Other Activities

RT level mapping is an important step in village development planning. By having accurate and detailed RT maps, village governments can make more informed decisions in allocating resources and planning infrastructure development. The collaboration between the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumedang Regency and Real Work Lecture (KKN) students at the Indonesian Education University (UPI) in this mapping activity is expected to produce a quality RT map that is useful for the people of Bongkok Village.
Consultation on RT Map Mapping in Bongkok Village: Collaboration of BPS Sumedang and UPI KKN Students

RT level mapping is an important step in village development planning. By having accurate and detailed RT maps, village governments can make more informed decisions in allocating resources and planning infrastructure development. The collaboration between the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumedang Regency and Real Work Lecture (KKN) students at the Indonesian Education University (UPI) in this mapping activity is expected to produce a quality RT map that is useful for the people of Bongkok Village.

Collaboration Goals

Improving the quality of spatial data: Through this collaboration, it is hoped that RT maps that are more accurate and detailed can be produced compared to previously existing maps.
Strengthening human resource capacity: KKN students can gain direct experience in mapping activities, while BPS can provide mentoring and knowledge transfer.
Increasing community participation: The Bongkok Village community can be actively involved in the mapping process, so that the map results produced are more relevant to their needs.
Supporting village development: The resulting RT map can be the basis for more targeted and effective development planning.
The collaboration between BPS Sumedang Regency and UPI KKN students in mapping RT maps in Bongkok Village is a very positive step. With an accurate and detailed RT map, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of life of the people of Bongkok Village and support sustainable village development.
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