Evaluation of Beautiful Villages in Bongkok Village, Paseh District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Evaluation of Beautiful Villages in Bongkok Village, Paseh District

Evaluation of Beautiful Villages in Bongkok Village, Paseh District

August 6, 2024 | Other Activities

"The evaluation process for Cantik Village in Bongkok Village is not easy. The assessment team, led by Devi Kristiamijaya, must make various efforts to ensure data accuracy. Starting from training for enumerators, to verifying data directly in the field. Ko Assistant Muliawan acknowledged that there were several challenges faced during the data collection process. However, thanks to good cooperation between the village government and the community, all these challenges can be overcome. "We learned a lot from this process," said Muliawan. Devi added that the spirit of mutual cooperation of the Bongkok Village community was very inspiring. "They are very enthusiastic in providing the information needed," said Devi. The final results of this evaluation show that Bongkok Village has succeeded in building a good data system. "This data will be the basis for Bongkok Village to develop various development programs that are more focused and right on target."
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