Pray Together Before Work 290724 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Pray Together Before Work 290724

Pray Together Before Work 290724

July 29, 2024 | Other Activities

The collective prayer that is routinely carried out in the morning by Sumedang Regency BPS employees has a very deep meaning, both individually and collectively. Here are some meanings that we can take from this activity: • Starting the Day with Good Intentions: Shared prayer is a means to start the day with good intentions and asking for guidance and protection from Allah SWT. In this way, it is hoped that all work activities carried out can run smoothly and bring blessings. • Strengthening Faith and Taqwa: This activity is a reminder for all employees to always increase their faith and devotion to God. By strengthening their relationship with the Creator, it is hoped that they can carry out their duties and responsibilities better. • Fostering a Sense of Solidarity: Collective prayer also functions to strengthen ties of brotherhood and a sense of solidarity between fellow employees. Through this activity, they can support and motivate each other. • Creating a Positive Work Atmosphere: By starting the day with prayer together, it is hoped that a work atmosphere that is positive, conducive and full of enthusiasm will be created. This will have an impact on increasing productivity and quality of work. • Respecting Time and Religious Values: Joint prayer activities show that BPS Sumedang Regency respects time and religious values. By taking time to pray together, they show their commitment to carrying out their duties responsibly and not forgetting spiritual values. Benefits of Praying Together in the Morning: • Improving Work Quality: With a calm heart and focused mind, it is hoped that employees can work more effectively and efficiently. • Maintaining Mental Health: Collective prayer can help reduce stress and improve the mental well-being of employees. • Improving Organizational Performance: A positive and harmonious work atmosphere will have an impact on improving overall organizational performance. Conclusion The morning group prayer carried out by BPS Sumedang Regency is not just a routine, but is an effort to create a positive, productive and spiritually valuable work environment. This activity has many benefits, both for individuals and organizations.
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