Prayer together before work 240724 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Prayer together before work 240724

Prayer together before work 240724

July 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Benefits of Group Prayer in the Morning: Strengthening Faith and Devotion: Group prayer is a reminder to always be grateful for Allah's blessings and ask for His help in getting through the day. Strengthening Ukhuwah: Gathering and praying together fosters a sense of brotherhood and mutual care for each other. Spreading Kindness and Positivity: Starting the day with prayer together brings positive energy and optimism in carrying out activities. Asking for smoothness and blessings: Prayer together in the morning is a medium for asking for smoothness in all matters and blessings in life. Maintaining Discipline: The habit of praying together in the morning can help build discipline and commitment in carrying out worship.
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