Working Visit from BPS Kuningan in the Context of EPSS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Working Visit from BPS Kuningan in the Context of EPSS

Working Visit from BPS Kuningan in the Context of EPSS

July 16, 2024 | Other Activities

The work visit in the context of EPSS (Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics) has two purposes, namely: 1. Parts of the EPSS Process: • Verifying and validating data: The BPS team will check the data and information that has been collected by the relevant agencies in the framework of the EPSS self-assessment. This is done to ensure accuracy, reliability and completeness of the data. • Providing technical guidance: The BPS team will provide technical guidance to relevant agencies regarding the implementation of sectoral statistics. This includes providing training, advice and examples of best practice. • Building coordination: This working visit is also an opportunity for BPS to build coordination with related agencies in order to improve the overall quality of sectoral statistics. 2. Preparing for EPSS: Apart from being part of the EPSS process, work visits are also carried out by: • Obtain information about EPSS to find out more about EPSS, including its purpose, methodology, and benefits. • Consult with BPS Sumedang Regency: about how to prepare for EPSS. This includes identifying data and information gaps, and developing plans to address them. • Sharing experiences: as a mapping for strategies and solutions that can be implemented. Conclusion: Work visits are an important component in implementing EPSS. The working visit enabled BPS Kuningan Regency to find out about the implementation of EPSS, verify and validate data, provide technical guidance, build coordination, and support related agencies in preparing for EPSS.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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