Statistical Functional Team Chair Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Statistical Functional Team Chair Meeting

Statistical Functional Team Chair Meeting

July 8, 2024 | Other Activities

The team leader of each statistical functional discussed the achievements and recanas taken in facing obstacles to achieve the objectives of the implementation of an activity.  The Meeting of the Chairman of the Statistics Functional Team is a forum at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumedang Regency. In this meeting, the head of the statistical functional team from various fields discussed achievements and plans to face obstacles in achieving the objectives of the implementation of the activity1.

So, this meeting allows the heads of the statistics team to discuss and coordinate to ensure the quality of the implementation of the task and achieve the goals that have been set. Meeting of the Chairman of the Statistics Functional Team at the Central Agency. Statistics (BPS) of Sumedang Regency, some of the topics discussed include:

Performance Evaluation: The heads of the statistics team discuss the performance achievements and the results of the statistical functional team's work. This includes the achievement of targets, the success of the project, and the obstacles faced.
Activity Planning: The statistical activity plan for the next period becomes the focus. This includes survey planning, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Coordination: This meeting facilitates coordination between the statistical team from various fields. They discussed synergy, collaboration, and efficient use of resources.
Problem Solving: If there are obstacles or problems in the implementation of tasks, this meeting is an opportunity to find solutions together.
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