Morning Gymnastics BPS Kab. Sumedang 5 Jan '24 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumedang Regency

Morning Gymnastics BPS Kab. Sumedang 5 Jan '24

Morning Gymnastics BPS Kab. Sumedang 5 Jan '24

January 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Morning Gymnastics is one of the activities that are routinely carried out by the Central Statistics Agency of Sumedang Regency. This activity aims to maintain the health and fitness of the body, and increase morale.
Morning exercises are usually held every Friday, starting at 07.30 to 08.00 WIB, in the Sumedang Regency BPS office yard. Morning gymnastics participants consist of the head, staff, and street vendors from vocational high schools. Sometimes there are groups of mothers participating.
Morning exercises are led by an instructor, an experienced Irene, who provides direction and movements that are in accordance with the conditions of the participants. Morning exercises begin with heating, then continued with core movements, and ending with cooling. Morning gymnastics movements include hand, feet, waist, neck and head movements. In addition, there are also movements that contain elements of art and culture, such as Jaipong dance and pencak silat. Morning exercises are accompanied by cheerful and encouraging music. After finishing the morning gymnastics, the participants jointly prayed together, shake hands, and take a picture together.
Morning gymnastics at the Sumedang Regency BPS is one form of useful activity to establish cohesiveness, togetherness, and harmony between employees. Morning exercises also have a positive impact on employee physical and mental health, as well as their performance and productivity.
Morning Gymnastics at Sumedang Regency BPS is one example of sports activities that can be carried out by every government and private agency, to improve the quality of human resources that are healthy, intelligent, and characterized.
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